Best Ways To Avoid STDs

Sexually transmitted diseases or infections may cause tremendous interruption to normal living. Some of these conditions have cures while others do not. Here are some examples of the common types of STDs.

Herpes – this is a condition that can occur when a person engages in sexual activity with an infected partner. The condition is characterized by genital pain and sores. Individuals may also notice the development of sores around the mouth or armpits. Treatment for this condition usually involves the use of antiviral medications.

Chlamydia – this condition may affect just about anyone regardless of age or gender. However, it is most common among young women. Individuals with this condition may continue living for a long time without any symptoms. In a few cases, individuals may experience genital pain and abnormal discharge from the vagina or penis. Treatment usually takes the form of antibacterial therapy.

HIV/AIDS – this condition can affect people of all ages and gender. Individuals with the condition may notice a sudden loss of weight, weakened the immune system and frequent ailing from a variety of diseases. The condition does not have a cure but can be treated using antiretroviral drugs.

How to avoid STDs

Abstinence – this is the best way for you to guarantee that you do not contact any of the conditions mentioned on this list. Abstaining from sex does not have to be a lifelong decision but should be aimed at keeping you safe until you formally get married.

Use of protection – the use of condoms is another way for you to decrease the chances of contracting any sexually transmitted diseases. It is worth pointing out that there are both male and female condoms. Learning the correct way to use condoms is key to avoiding any accidents that may put you at risk. It is also important for you to use products that have not reached their expiry date.

Be faithful – when in a relationship with someone it is advisable that the two of you remain monogamous when it comes to sexual activity. It is futile for one partner to be faithful when the other one engages in a promiscuous sexual activity with other people.

Seek professional help – in case you suspect that you have been exposed to a sexually transmitted disease it is encouraged that you pay a visit to a medical center as soon as possible. There are certain procedures that may be taken to prevent infection provided that the virus or bacteria has not been in your body for more than 24 hours.

Home testing kits – you can use home testing kits to ascertain if you have an STD. For more information visit